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Our Services

Women's Health Matters run a variety of different projects. For a brief overview of all our projects, download our leaflet, or scroll down further for more information.

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Art of Her

Art of Her is an 8-week group art therapy programme specifically designed to support young women aged 16-25 who are seeking to improve their mental health and emotional well-being.

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Being You Leeds

A community wellbeing project delivering groups and activities that look to improve or maintain wellbeing.

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Bluebirds is a project for women and girls (11+) who have experienced domestic abuse or sexual assault and need support recovering from this trauma. We offer group support to external referrals and one-to-one emotional and practical support for women and girls already in our service.

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Breastfeeding Peer Support

Along with Health for All, our Breastfeeding Peer Support provides advice and support from specialist, trained advisers to new mums. In addition, we train experienced mums as peer supporters, Bosom Buddies, who can provide guidance face-to-face, on the telephone, or through social media to new mums.


Breathe Free

Breathe Free is a 20-week course for women aged 16 and above who’ve experienced domestic violence and abuse (DVA) and complex trauma. The course is co-delivered with a recent Breathe Free course graduate, a woman with lived experience of DVA. 

Digital Support and Inclusion

An internal project offering technical support to the women currently engaging in one of our projects.

No external referrals accepted.

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Family Canvas

Art Therapy sessions for either women and their children together, or one-to-one for women whose children live elsewhere.


No external referrals accepted.


Feel Good

A course for women with learning disabilities around our bodies, keeping safe and healthy relationships.


Inside Out

A parenting course for women whose children are being looked after by somebody else, such as through adoption or a kinship order.


Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) Peer Support and Education Groups

LDVS is a 14-week course for abuse recovery, specifically looking at safety and emotional well-being.

All referrals must go through LDVS helpline: 0113 246 0401


Leeds Domestic Violence Service - Sanctuary Support Scheme

A project with Leeds Domestic Violence Service, offering security measures, safety planning, practical and emotional support to women who have left abusive relationships. The support is one-to-one, provided by Women's Helath Matters project workers with specialisms in maternity and disability.

All referrals must go through Leeds Housing Options:


Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership

A forum bringing together health professionals and women who access maternity services.

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Pregnancy Choices Advocacy Service

The Pregnancy Advocacy Service offers impartial information on midwifery and termination options, and 1-1 support whether the decision is to continue with a pregnancy or access a termination


Rainbow Hearts

Our group for women seeking asylum, offering health and social support, as well as information sessions.



Rosebuds offers a blend of structured sessions and peer support for women whose children live elsewhere.


Image by Melissa Askew

The Key Change

The Key Change is a project for school aged-girls to learn about healthy/unhealthy relationships in a school setting.

Only school professionals can refer to the project.

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Women Friendly Leeds

We are part of a team of Women and Girls organisations across Leeds working towards a city that is better for women, better for everyone.

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Women and Girls Alliance – Advisory Board, Women Speak Group

The Women Speak group is made up of women who have used the services of the Women's Lives Leeds Alliance organisations. The group works together to support the Alliance with decision-making and strategic thinking and gets involved in other voice and influence activities across the city.

Women’s Health Matters has developed a full-day, in-person training that has been co-produced and is co-delivered with victims/survivors of Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA). The training is designed to share our knowledge built from years of specialist work in the field of DVA.

Training Opportunities

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0113 276 2851

Registered Charity No. 1048788

Registered Company No. 2835637​


©2024 Women's Health Matters

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