Our Services
Women's Health Matters run a variety of different projects. For a brief overview of all our projects, download our leaflet, or scroll down further for more information.

Breastfeeding Peer Support
Along with Health for All, our Breastfeeding Peer Support provides advice and support from specialist, trained advisers to new mums. In addition, we train experienced mums as peer supporters, Bosom Buddies, who can provide guidance face-to-face, on the telephone, or through social media to new mums.

Leeds Domestic Violence Service - Sanctuary Support Scheme
A project with Leeds Domestic Violence Service, offering security measures, safety planning, practical and emotional support to women who have left abusive relationships. The support is one-to-one, provided by Women's Helath Matters project workers with specialisms in maternity and disability.
All referrals must go through Leeds Housing Options: sanctuary@leeds.gov.uk

Women and Girls Alliance – Advisory Board, Women Speak Group
The Women Speak group is made up of women who have used the services of the Women's Lives Leeds Alliance organisations. The group works together to support the Alliance with decision-making and strategic thinking and gets involved in other voice and influence activities across the city.