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Leeds Domestic Violence Service Peer Support and Education Group

Funded by:

Project Overview

Leeds City Council

As part of Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) we run several domestic violence educational support groups for women in different locations around the city which run both during the day and evening. The group courses are 14 weeks long, and each week we talk through different issues that affect safety and emotional well-being. The groups offer a safe space for you to meet others who have been through or are going through similar experiences. We also offer signposting, advice, and referrals for other support where it is needed. We provide a creche for infant and preschool children and can offer support with transport costs.

Project Outcomes

By the end of the course, women will:​


  • Have increased knowledge about the different types of abuse, both on women and children

  • Have an increased knowledge of trauma and strategies to support recovery

  • Be able to identify the early warning signs of abuse

  • Have a stronger sense of self-esteem and confidence, including building a positive sense of identity

  • Develop coping strategies that allow women to better manage stressful situations

  • Have a greater understanding of boundaries and assertive communication

Project Offers

  • Weekly groups in the West, South and East of the city, evening and day time groups available

  • Creche provision for pre school infants and children

  • Support with transport, and refreshments

Make A Referral

Referrals are made directly to Leeds Domestic Violence Service and NOT to Women's Health Matters.


Please contact 0113 246 0401, email or visit the Leeds Domestic Violence Service Website

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Registered Charity No. 1048788

Registered Company No. 2835637​


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